Bachelor of Education in Special Education

  • Type : Undergraduate
  • Credit Hours : 126hrs
  • Language : Arabic
  • Campuses: Al Ain & Abu Dhabi


About the Program

Special Education is one of the programs that have been newly developed in the College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences at Al Ain University to become an independent program in the college. This bachelor’s degree program was developed upon a request from Abu Dhabi Department of Education & Knowledge (ADEK) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. This reflects the needs for this specialty in the UAE as it is also needed in the Arab world. However, this program aims to train teachers to teach students with special needs in regular classrooms, resource rooms, or in special education classes.



The special Education Program at Al Ain University is aspiring to be a pioneering program in preparation of special education teachers who will be committed to meet the educational needs of all students with special educational needs. It also aspires to prepare special education professionals who strive to improve the quality of life of individuals with special needs.



The Special Education Program seeks to prepare candidates and qualify them to be special education teachers who are able to develop the services of this field by focusing on the principles and philosophy of inclusive education and integrating special education and regular education services under one roof and teaching all students regardless their abilities and needs in the same classroom, using various teaching modifications and adaptations to meet the educational needs of all students in class.


Program Goals

  1. Clarify the relationship between disability, development and learning and make use of this relationship in providing teaching experiences that are challenging to individuals with disabilities.
  2. Create safe and comprehensive teaching and learning environments that respond to cultural diversity, and make individuals with special needs active and effective learners characterized by positive social and emotional maturation.
  3. Employ the knowledge of regular and special education curricula for individualizing teaching process to students with special needs.
  4. Use multiple assessment methods and a variety of data sources in making educational decisions.
  5. Adapt and modify instructional strategies to fit the characteristics and capabilities of students with special needs to enhance their learning process.
  6. Utilizing knowledge,research skills education practices,and ethical and professional principal in teaching individuals with special needs to enhance the professional and promote lifelong learning.
  7. Collaborate and communicate with families, educators and service providers for the benefit of individuals with special needs.
  8. Develop the relationship between individuals with special needs and the various institutions in the community in a manner that is culturally responsive to meet their needs across a range of teaching and learning experiences.


Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

S.No.Program Learning Outcomes
1 Determine the impact of family cultural, linguistic, social and economic diversity, developmental factors and individual differences on the learning of people with special needs.
2 Provide support and advice to general education teachers in order to create safe, inclusive, culturally and socially responsive learning environments.
3 Employ appropriate motivational teaching and behavioral interventions to teach individuals with special needs how to adapt to different environments.
4 applying ethical and professional principles related to teaching behavior modification and designing individualized educational programs for individualized with special needs.
5 Use the results of scientific research and objective and appropriate formal and informal assessment tests in order to make educational and behavioral decisions for individuals with special needs.
6 Adapt the educational experiences of individuals with special needs to suit their abilities and interests, and their teaching and learning environments.
7 Use augmentative and alternative communication technology and systems in assessment, educational planning and teaching for people with special needs.
8 Use multiple educational and behavioral strategies to improve behavior, communication skills, and language development for individuals with special needs.
9 Prepare educational plans, various learning experiences, behavior modification plans, and transition plans in cooperation with families of individuals with special needs and other professionals.
10 Provide the student with the skills of self-evaluation and professional development, which contributes to developing the ability to take responsibility and make decisions independently.


Job Opportunities 

  • Teacher in regular classes, resource rooms, or in special education classes to help students with special needs learn. 

Admission Requirements

  • UAE Secondary School Certificate (Science/Advance, Or General, Or Elite) or its equivalent approved by the UAE Ministry of Education, with a minimum average of 60%.
  • Students who have obtained a Secondary School Certificate with (less than 60%) may be accepted, provided they enroll in (3) remedial courses for one semester from outside the program curriculum, which will not be counted in the cumulative GPA. The selection of these courses is based on the specialization and relevant grades in high school and includes subjects such as; (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arabic Language, and English Language).

Graduation Requirements

- The student must have completed the minimum required duration of study.

The student must not exceed the maximum allowable duration of study.

Study Plan


Guidance Plan

Course Description


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2 0403423 التكنولوجيا المساعدة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة تكنولوجيا تعليم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة والوسائل المساعدة عبد المعطي، حسن دار الجامعة الجديدة 2014
3 0403238 الإعاقات الجسمية والصحية الإعاقات الجسمية والصحية عبدالعزيز السرطاوي وجميل الصمادي دار الفكر 2018
4 0403226 صعوبات التعلم صعوبات التعلم: النظرية والممارسة أسامه البطاينة وآخرون دار المسيرة 2018
5 0403235 دمج ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة دمج الطلبة ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة كمال سالم دار المسيرة 2016
6 0403431 تدريس القراءة والكتابة لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة صعوبات التعلم الأكاديمية محمد الخصاونة وآخرون دار الفكر 2019
7 0403237 اضطرابات التواصل اضطرابات التواصل بين النظرية والتطبيق أسامة فاروق مصطفى دار المسيرة 2013
8 0403432 تدريس الرياضيات لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة طرق تدريس الرياضيات لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة العبسي، محمد مصطفى دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع 2020
9 0403123 الإعاقات العقلية والنمائية مقدمة في الإعاقة العقلية الروسان، فاروق دار الفكر للنشر والتوزيع 2018
10 0403123 الإعاقات العقلية والنمائية إعاقات النمو الشاملة بطرس حافظ دار المسيرة للطباعة والتوزيع 2015
11   تأهيل ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة تأهيل ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة نايف الزارع، عبد الهادي حيمور دار الفكر 2017
12   أسر ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة استراتيجيات إرشاد وتدريب ودعم أسر الأطفال المعوقين جمال الخطيب دار وائل 2009
13 0408233 مبادىء الإحصاء الوصفي مبادىء الإحصاء محمد أبو صالح دار اليازوري 2010
14 0408232 تعديل السلوك الإنساني تحليل السلوك التطبيقي جمال الخطيب دار الشروق 2017
15 0408102 علم النفس التربوي علم النفس التربوي: مبادئء ونظريات منذر البعاوي، سامر عبد الهادي، حسين المجالي، ماجد الصالح جامعة العين 2024
16 0403121 مدخل إلى التربية الخاصة مقدمة في التربية الخاصة بين النظرية والتطبيق دقماق، سمير جبرا و عيسى، مراد علي مكتبة دار الفلاح 2020
17 0403148 التفوق العقلي والموهبة مدخل إلى تربية المتميزين والموهوبين سرور، ناديه دار الفكر 2010

Contact us

Director of Special Education program

College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences 
Al Ain University

P.O.Box: 64141
Al Ain - UAE

Phone No: +971 3 7024888
Fax No: +971 3 7024777

E-mail(Al Ain):
E-mail(Abu Dhabi):
