Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology

Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology

About the Program

The College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences offers the Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology Program, which aspires to actively contribute to the development of the UAE society, preparing socially qualified cadres acquainted with knowledge, science and modern technology as well as the ability to employ them in solving social problems efficiently for the sake of building a better society.



The Applied Sociology Program at Al Ain University seeks to be a pioneer educational center in this field, and looks forward to actively participating   in developing the UAE community through preparing highly efficient social, professional graduates, acquainted with the knowledge and ability to use them to change the world in which they live to a better world.



The Applied Sociology Program seeks to be a center of excellence that responds to the needs of the labor market, and prepares graduates able to study and treat contemporary social issues and problems in the light of its commitment to the highest quality standards in teaching, research, and interaction with the community; and as dictated by the best practice in the field. The program is keen to keep updated scientific developments in theory and practice, and to strengthen its relationship with the institutions and organizations of local private and public societies working in different social fields.


Program Goals

The Bachelor of Arts in Applied Sociology aims to:

  • Enable students to derive the theoretical issues and indicators that are applicable in certain areas, such as family, work institutions, hospitals, schools, and others.
  • Train students to conduct quantitative and qualitative social research in social systems, issues, changes and service institutions, and to use statistical methods and software appropriately to organize and analyze data.
  • Enable students to use theories, methods and insights of sociology, in sociological studies designed to enlighten the social policy-makers and decision-makers about the social issues of concern to their community.
  • Prepare students to contribute to the development of solutions to social problems that are discovered through social research and studies.
  • Supply decision makers with applied scientific studies that are necessary for the Processes of social planning, and for drawing social policies and designing projects and services in various fields.
  • Provide students with the skills and abilities that enable them to observe the social problems and issues that deserve empirical study, so as to provide recommendations and solutions that can contribute to addressing these problems and issues and developing appropriate solutions.


Learning Outcomes

S.No.Program Learning OutcomesAligned with L7 QFE Descriptors
1 Learn the concepts, principles and significance of applied sociology and its historical development. QFE 1,2,3
2 Use social theories to interpret topics related to applied sociology such as, social issues, social change and social structure. QFE 1,3,8
3 Compare the theories of applied sociology and their use in understanding social issues and phenomena. QFE 1,3,8
4 Design quantitative and qualitative social research, which contributes to building sociological knowledge, according to the ethics and methodology of scientific research and with utilization of modern technologies. QFE 4,6,8
5 Develop professionally by building self-reliance skills and expanding the knowledge of concepts related to sociology and the societal problems by using the available scientific and technological resources. QFE 2,9,10
6 Conduct social research to analyze social problems, interactions and processes, participate in designing social policies, and actively participate in developing the society and its values. QFE 3,9,10
7 Interact positively with individuals, and society by developing a social sensitivity to different cultures, enabling him to work professionally and responsibly in various social work institutions. QFE 5,11


Job Opportunities 

  • Works in every level of the local and national government to solve societal problems and create a community that serves all people equally.

  • UAE Secondary School Certificate (Science/Advance, Or General, Or Elite) or its equivalent approved by the UAE Ministry of Education, with a minimum average of 60%.
  • Students who have obtained a Secondary School Certificate with (less than 60%) may be accepted, provided they enroll in (3) remedial courses for one semester from outside the program curriculum, which will not be counted in the cumulative GPA. The selection of these courses is based on the specialization and relevant grades in high school and includes subjects such as; (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Arabic Language, and English Language).

To obtain a  Bachelor degree of Arts in Applied Sociology Education, a student must successfully complete 126 credit hours, with a minimum  (CGPA) of 2 out of 4.


تعنوان المساقإسم مؤلف المقررسنة النشرالناشرمكان النشر
1 إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية الديري،زاهد؛ والخطيب، سعادة 2011 دار كنوز المعرفة للنشر عمان
2 إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية أبو المعاطي، علي  2005 دار الزهراء للنشر والتوزيع القاهرة
3 علم اجتماع البيئة الجوهري محمد وآخرون 2010 دار المسيرة للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع عمان ،الأردن
4 المسؤولية الاجتماعية و أخلاقيات الأعمال: الأعمال و المجتمع الغالبي، طاهر و العامري، صالح 2005 دار وائل للنشر عمان- الأردن
5 الاحصاء التربوي تطبيقات باستخدام الرزم الاحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية المنيزل، عبدالله و عايش الغرايبة 2010 دار المسيرة عمان ، الاردن
6 التغير الاجتماعي بين النظرية والتطبيق الدقس محمد 2015 دار مجدلاوي للنشر والتوزيع عمان
7 السياسة الاجتماعية في اطار المتغيرات العالمية الجديدة سروجي، طلعت - سروجي طلعت مصطفى 2004 دار الفكر العربي القاهرة
8 النظرية المعاصرة في علم الاجتماع ابراهيم عثمان 2008 دار الشروق للنشر والتوزيع عمان
9 علم اجتماع السكان علي غبد الرازف حلبي 2014 دار المعرفة الجامعية للطبع والنشر والتوزيع الاسكندرية، مصر
10 علم الإجتماع العائلي شكري وآخرون 2011 دار المسيرة للنشر والتوزيع عمان، الأردن
11 علم الاجتماع الاقتصادي احمد زايد واخرون 2013 دار المسيرة عمان
12 علم الاجتماع التربوي (نظرة معاصرة) علي أسعد وطفة 2010 دار المعرفة الجامعية الاسكندرية
13 علم الاجتماع الجنائي السمري، عدلي محمود 2011 دار المسيرة عمان
14 علم الاجتماع االريفي والحضري الجوهري، هناء محمد 2011 دار المسيرة عمّان
15 علم الاجتماع السياحي العرابي، الهام عمران عريبي 2012 دار الحكمة للطباعة و النشر والتوزيع القاهرة
16 علم النفس الاجتماعي المعاصر،الطبعة الأولي الكندري،احمد محمد مبارك. 2012 مكتبة الفلاح العين،الإمارات العربية المتحدة
17 قضايا عالمية معاصرة صالح وهبيز 2008 دار الفكر العربي القاهرة
18 مقدمة في علم الاجتماع كریمة صافر 2017 النشر الجامعي الجدید تلمسان
19 اساليب البحث العلمي والتحليل الاحصائي ايمن عبدالله محمد وآخرون 2017 دار الكتاب الجامعي العين
20 نظرية علم الاجتماع المعاصر مصطفى خلف خلف عبدالجواد 2011 دار المسيرة عمّان
21 النوع وعلم اجتماع العمل والمؤسسة عائشة التائب 2011 منظمة المرأة العربية القاهرة
22 علم اجتماع البيئة محمد الجوهري وآخرون 2010 دار الميسرة عمّان
23 مدخل إلى علم الاجتماع التطبيقي معن خليل العمر 2015 دار الكتاب الجامعي العين
24 التغير الاجتماعي طلعت السروجي 2015 دار الفكر العربي القاهرة
25 المسؤولية الاجتماعية وأخلاقيات علم العمل طاهر الغالبي وصالح العامري 2016 دار وائل للنشر والتوزيع  
26 العمل وعلم الاجتماع المهني كمال الزيات 2001 مكتبة بستان المعرفة للطباعة والنشر  
27 السياسة الاجتماعية (رؤى نظرية وتجارب عالمية) مروة البتيني 2014 دار الكتاب الجامعي العين
28 المخدرات والمجتمع ( التحديات- الأسباب- الآثار- العلاج) هند محمد أحمد السيد 2010 دار الكتاب الجامعي العين
29 إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية الديري، زاهد؛ والخطيب، سعادة   دار كنوز المعرفة للنشر عمان

Director of Applied Applied Sociology

College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences 
Al Ain University

P.O.Box: 64141
Al Ain - UAE

Phone No: +971 3 7024888
Fax No: +971 3 7024777

E-mail(Al Ain):
E-mail(Abu Dhabi):

All courses tution fees

Course information

  • Type Undergraduate
  • Credit Hours 126hrs
  • Language Arabic
  • Method On Campus
  • Campuses Al Ain & Abu Dhabi
  • Fees (first year) $22,350

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